Starting Monday, February 24th, there will be extended library hours!

Starting Monday, February 24th, there will be extended library hours!


The library will be opening every day BEFORE SCHOOL starting at 7:25 a.m. 


It will be open every day AFTER SCHOOL until 4:20 p.m.


In addition, students can get help with math homework from SLz Teachers!  See the schedule below for when and where to go for Drop-In Homework Help


Bring your math homework!


1.   Before School in the Library: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

2.   Lunchtime in Classrooms:

·         Tuesdays in C-11

·         Wednesdays in B-4

·         Thursdays in F-2

3.           After School in the Library: Tuesdays and Thursdays