San Lorenzo High School Athletics

The mission of San Lorenzo High School is to challenge students to reach their highest level of academic achievement, to provide opportunities and support for social and emotional growth, and to build connections to future education, assisting them to become successful members of the 21st century society.  We strongly encourage all students to participate in after school athletics.  We offer a wide range of athletic opportunities for your child to participate in.
SLz is a member of the Western Alameda County Conference (WACC) league. Pre-season and play-off games are held around the Bay Area. There are three seasons of sports as well as different levels of competition. The sports offered and the number of teams for each sport varies based on student interest. Students must meet academic eligibility, provide proof of insurance, have a sports physical and purchase an ASB card in order to participate in our athletic program. Other fees may apply. Please speak directly with the coach to determine other expenses. Donations always accepted! Show your SLz pride and come join Athletics!


Scholastic Eligibility

In order to be eligible, the student must have achieved a 2.0 grade-point average on a 4.0 scale in enrolled courses at the conclusion of the previous grading period. Incoming freshman are granted eligibility in their first quarter upon entering high school.

  • Fall semester eligibility is determined by spring semester grades from the previous school year. Summer school grades will be included with the spring semester grades, limited by policy to 10 transferable credits from each accredited institution.
  • Spring semester eligibility is determined by Fall semester grades of the current school year. Summer school grades cannot be included in Winter or Spring GPA.

Athletic Programs

To participate in San Lorenzo High School Athletics, students must:

  1. Complete and submit all online paperwork through SLz's Family ID website.  
  2. Make an appointment for a physical examination by a medical doctor, and turn in completed physical paperwork to the Coach or Athletic Director. Student athletes are required to receive a physical every school year. Fill out the Emergency Waiver information online on
  3. Work to remain academically eligible. Each grading period, a student athlete must pass a minimum of 4 classes, be on course to graduate, and remain above a 2.0 G.P.A.
  4. Follow all school and team policies with regard to conduct, attitude and sportsmanship.
For more information, please check out our SLzHS Athletics page
To begin the athletics paperwork, please go to SLz's Family ID website.


Football (Varsity, JV and Frosh)

Girls’ Tennis

Girls’ Volleyball (Varsity, JV)

Co-Ed Cross Country

Spirit Squad



Boys’ Soccer (Varsity, JV)

Girls’ Soccer

Boys’ Basketball (Varsity, JV and Frosh-Soph)

Girls’ Basketball (Varsity, JV)


Spirit Squad




Baseball (Varsity, JV)

Girls’ Softball (Varsity, JV)

Boys’ Tennis

Co-Ed Track and Field
