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SLz English Department


Students at SLz will benefit from an English program that is varied to meet the individual needs of all students.  Teachers employ a broad range of teaching strategies to engage all students.  SLz teachers continually seek out opportunities to learn about the most current educational practices that will help their students.



All English department teachers work together and follow a common and rigorous plan aligned to Common Core State Standards.  Instructional strategies and curricular decisions are founded on current educational research.   Students also become part of the team as we work together to support a structured collaborative learning atmosphere.  





Students at SLz will benefit from an English program that is varied to meet the individual needs of all students.  Teachers employ a broad range of teaching strategies to engage all students.  Furthermore, SLz teachers continually seek out opportunities to learn about the most current educational practices that will help their students.

To graduate at SLz with a high school diploma, students are expected to successfully pass and complete 4 years of English (40 credits).  In addition, to be eligible to attend a 4-year university, students must receive a “C” or higher in all ‘b’ approved English courses.


English 9                                                            Year, 10 Credits

Grade 9

This course is the foundation course of the English Department at San Lorenzo High School. It focuses on the development of reading strategies, with a special focus on a variety of nonfiction texts. The course is designed to help students negotiate and comprehend high school level reading. Fundamentally, the course is about reading and reflecting on reading through exposure to a variety of genres including non-fiction articles, poetry, plays, and novels. It focuses on vocabulary development and grammar skills that will enhance students’ writing abilities. Students will also master skills in analyzing and responding to expository texts and literature. Students will demonstrate mastery of the 9th/10th grade California Common Core State Standards upon completion of the required 9th and 10th grade English courses. Prerequisite: None.  UC/CSU (b)


English 10                                                          Year, 10 Credits

Grade 10

Students will participate in a course that draws its readings from contemporary and classical literature of the world. Students will also read expository texts that feature world issues and themes as related to the core works. Students will study grammar and Greek and Latin etymology. Reflective, interpretive, and expository writing skills will be emphasized while students complete in-depth analyses of various literary genres. Students will learn how to implement a broad repertoire of reading and writing strategies. This course will also focus on enhancing study skills and academic self-reflection. Students will demonstrate mastery of the 9th/10th grade California Common Core State Standards upon completion of the required 9th and 10th grade English courses.

Prerequisite: None.  UC/CSU (b)


English 11                                                          Year, 10 Credits

Grade 11

This course focuses on the issues and cultures of past and present America, drawing its readings from classical and contemporary works of multicultural literature and various expository texts. Students will use advanced reading and writing strategies to master interpretive, analytic, and reflective language arts skills. Greek and Latin etymology as well as SAT vocabulary and academic vocabulary instruction will also be covered regularly. Students will practice writing position papers in preparation for college-level and state examinations. Students will demonstrate mastery of the California Common Core State Standards for the 11th and 12th grade upon completion of the required 11th and 12th grade. Prerequisite: None.  UC/CSU (b)


AP English Language & Composition           Year, 10 Credits

Grade 11

This is a college-level course designed to help students become critical readers of a variety of texts, concentrating on a variety of nonfiction texts (articles, images, essays, speeches, and books) and American literature. The main theme of the course is “The Quest for the American Dream.” Students are required “to develop evidence-based analytic and argumentative essays” and “read and analyze the rhetorical elements and their effects in non-fiction texts [...] from many disciplines and historical periods” (collegeboard.org). The course is designed for students who have demonstrated exceptional skills in English and are drawn to rigorous rhetorical analysis and advanced composition. This class prepares students for the Advanced Placement Examination in English Language. Students will demonstrate mastery of the California Common Core State Standards for the 11th and 12th grade upon completion of the required 11th and 12th grade English courses.  Approximately 30 minutes of homework is assigned daily. Completion of a summer assignment (two books & corresponding assignments) is required. Prerequisite: “B+” or better in current English course or teacher recommendation.  Completion of pre-course assignments may be required. UC/CSU (b)


CSU Expository Reading & Writing              Year, 10 Credits

Grade 12

The Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) was developed with the goal of preparing college-bound seniors for the literacy demands of higher education - helping students read, comprehend, and respond to nonfiction and literary texts. Students develop advanced proficiency in expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing with an emphasis on rhetorical appeals.  A senior project is required. Meets the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) Requirement for students who test conditionally-ready on the CAASPP.  Students will demonstrate mastery of the California Common Core State Standards for the 11th and 12th grade upon completion of the required 11th and 12th grade English courses. Prerequisite: None.  UC/CSU (b)


AP English Literature                                      Year, 10 Credits

Grade 12

This course concentrates on major works of American and World Literature including close study of poetry. It is designated for students who have demonstrated exceptional skills in English and are drawn to rigorous literary analysis. Students work to master critical and argumentative writing at the college level and prepare for the Advanced Placement Examination in English Literature.  Approximately 30 minutes of homework is assigned daily, the majority of which is required to be typed and submitted online.  Students will demonstrate mastery of California Common Core State Standards for the 11th and 12th grade upon completion of the required 11th and 12th grade English courses. Completion of a summer assignment and a senior project is required. Prerequisite: “B+” or better in current English course or teacher recommendation. UC/CSU (b)


Creative Writing                                              Year, 10 Credits

Grade 10-12

This course is designed for students who love creative (non-analytical) writing and have a desire to explore their potential as writers. Students will read, write, and interpret poetry and prose, and learn tools for developing writing that is both original and audience-ready. The class is run as a writers’ workshop. Prerequisite: “C” or better in current English course or teacher recommendation. UC/CSU (g)



SLz English teachers are a committed and collaborative team. We work together to make sure that every student receives the support and high level of instruction necessary to be successful in the present and in the future.