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The English Learner (EL) Newcomer Program offers courses to students whose first language is not English, which include recent immigrants. Students are currently placed in courses according to their California English Language Development Test (CELDT) scores. New students are tested and evaluated according to state law and then are scheduled into appropriate courses by recommendation of the Newcomer Program Coordinator and Counselors. The goal of the department is to reclassify our school’s EL students so that they can be placed in all mainstream courses. To reclassify, students must meet specific benchmarks on school and state assessments.  For more information, please speak to the EL Coordinator.

According to the Board of Education-approved EL Master Plan, EL’s who are “less than reasonably fluent” (beginning to intermediate on the CELDT) must be in an appropriate ELD program. Programming may vary based on student need, but can include a combination of the following: Newcomer courses, Designated ELD, Sheltered, or mainstream courses. All teachers are trained to work with students from non-English speaking backgrounds where the unique needs of ELs are met. by the use of instructional methods and materials designed to increase English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and in academic language. The Newcomer Program also monitors and supports EL’s who have mainstreamed into one of the three Learning Communities at SLzHS.

*Please note that the CELDT is transitioning to the ELPAC to determine language proficiency for our EL population.


ELD 1, 2, and 3                                                 Year, 10 Credits

Grade 9-12

These classes are for English Language Learners (ELL) developing their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.  These classes emphasize literacy through the use of standards-based texts, self-selected reading, grammar & vocabulary instruction, and formal and informal writing opportunities.  Students gain speaking and listening skills through role playing, class presentations, choral reading and audio recordings, and academic discourse practice.  These classes prepare students for sheltered English. Prerequisite: Level is determined by CELDT score and/or number of years in country.


ELD Content                                                     Year, 10 Credits

Grade 9-12

ELD Content Instruction is one of the three ELD classes in the ELD Newcomer Program for students in ELD 1, 2, or 3 in the first year of study in the US.  The class focuses on vocabulary development and reading comprehension as well as academic discourse.  The class prepares students for 11th grade US history by reviewing 5th & 8th grade US history, geography, and cultural studies.  Prerequisite: This class is for newcomer students only and will be scheduled in the first year of entry to United States.


ELD Reading                                                      Year, 10 Credits

Grade 9-12

ELD Reading is one of the three ELD classes in the ELD Newcomer Program for students in ELD 1, 2, or 3 in the first year of study in the US.  The classes focuses on listening and speaking skills and emphasizing pronunciation, tone, and choral reading utilizing audio and video recordings of classic, western folktales.  This class also develops literacy through vocabulary, grammar, and writing practice using materials that encourage understanding of common themes and literary elements.  Prerequisite: This class is for newcomer students only and will be scheduled in the first year of entry to United States.


Advanced/Systematic ELD                         Year or until RFEP

Grade 9-12

Advanced/Systematic ELD earns general elective credit towards graduation as well as ‘B' English credit (9th & 10th only) for English Language Learners enrolled in sheltered or mainstream English.  This class emphasizes standards-based language and literacy instruction with specialized strategies to help students pass the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and the NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) reading.  Students will gain skills in vocabulary development, academic discussion & writing, grammar, and reading comprehension focusing on nonfiction texts. Prerequisite: Student must be designated English Language Learner. *UC/CSU (b) is only granted for one year


Sheltered Courses                                          Year, 10 Credits

Grade 9-12

Sheltered courses provide English Language Learners (ELL’s) with access to the core curriculum through specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) in conjunction with daily English language development (ELD) activities aligned with the California ELD standards.  These courses prepare students for mainstream academic courses.  The following sheltered courses are available:


Sheltered English 9, 10, 11, 12

Sheltered World History

Sheltered US History

Sheltered Government/Economics

Sheltered Conceptual Physics

Sheltered Biology

Sheltered Chemistry

Sheltered Health

Sheltered Math 1

Sheltered Math 2


All Sheltered courses, except Health, satisfy a-g requirements for UC/CSU eligibility.  Their a-g designation is equivalent to their mainstream counterpart.