Bowe Carter » Mr. Carter's Teacher Page

Mr. Carter's Teacher Page

About Me
I was born and raised in Hawaii, attended college in Boston, and worked in radio before relocating to the Bay Area to become a teacher.  I received my Bachelor of Science in Communication from Boston University and earned my Teaching Credential from CSU East Bay.  When not teaching, I enjoy hiking, water and snow sports, traveling, collecting pop culture, learning, crosswords, listening to and making music, and spending time with my wife and daughter.
Courses I Teach
World History
I have been teaching Modern World History since I began teaching at San Lorenzo High School in 2009.  We study the impact technology has had on societies, how groups respond to changes, causes and consequences of war, causes and effects of successful and failed revolutions, and how ideology has shaped the modern world.
Economics & AP U.S. Government and Politics
I have been teaching Government and Economics since 2013, and have taught AP U.S. Government & Politics since 2015. 
In AP U.S. Government and Politics, students study the foundational principles of U.S. government, the functioning of the three branches of the national government, political ideology and political linkage institutions (the media, interest groups, political parties and elections).  We prepare for the AP exam with practice tests and practice Free Response Questions (FRQs).
In Economics, we study basic economic concepts, supply and demand, business structures, the relationship between employers and employees, consumer economics (including investment, retirement, and budgeting), government economic policies, globalization and the sources of wealth and income inequality.
World History, Economics and AP U.S. Government & Politics
Phone: 510-317-3022
Class Schedule:
1st Period: AP Gov/Econ
2nd Period: World
3rd Period: World
4th Period: World
5th Period: World
6th Period: Prep